Displaying 1 to 4 out of 4 results
Children’s act of writing on the Holy Quran, made Waqf
Question: Waqf to the Madrasah, is given to the children for studying during Hifz and Naazirah , they write their names on the Holy Quran for identification an..
The ruling of I’tikaf at praying area[not declared masjid]
Answer: waqf Masjid is a condition for the I’tikaf of men. Since the praying area is not a Masjid, hence, men cannot perform I’tikaf there. According to Ahnaa..
What is a Masjid Al-Bayt Its rulings and virtues
Answer: waqf) does not apply to a masjid al-bayt. For the latter to be sold or gifted, for example, is permitted. Likewise, someone in a state of ritual impur..
Leaving the Place of Itikaf for Bathroom and Bathing For Women Due to Intense Heat
Answer: waqf). Adjoined to this original part is the area which is also religiously endowed for necessities and the benefit of the masjid; this is known as fi..