Displaying 1 to 10 out of 23 results
Depriving Sister Of Her Share In Inheritance And Can A Woman Perform Umrah With Her Share?
Question: inherited share, such as land, from her deceased parents in order to perform Umrah? Some individuals claim that she is prohibited from doing so. Pleas..
Can Sacrificing One Animal Suffice For An Entire Household?
Question: share (of big animals like cows, etc.) upon each household. Please guide about the Hadith and the note mentioned after that in the light of Shari’..
What Is Shariah Ruling For A Partner Who Wants To Sell A Co-Owned Plot While The Other Refuses To Do So
Question: share, he wants me to sell my share. What is the Shariah ruling in this situation? Is it incumbent upon me to sell my share as per his suggestion?..
When is it preferable to perform Nafl Hajj and ‘Umrah?
Question: Umrah or to help a poor debtor is preferable?..
Ruling Regarding Larger Profit Share For Working Partner
Question: share of the profit to the working partner?..
Umrah is preferable to Tawaf
Question: Umrah and wishes to perform more ‘Umrahs; what is preferable for him to perform now, ‘Umrah or Tawaf? (Questioner: Muhammad Shafeeq Athar, Wah Cantt)..
Including the share of ‘Aqiqah in the sacrificial animal
Question: share of ‘Aqiqah in the Qurbani sacrifice of a cow, buffalo, camel, etc? If the share of ‘Aqiqah is included in the sacrifice of Qurbani, will the Qur..
The Islamic Ruling on Transgender Person
Answer: share of inheritance of a male or that of a female is made based on physical signs. So, the person who is in reality a woman, but upon her claim to be..
Ruling Regarding Not Specifying Ratio Of Profit Sharing In A Partnership
Answer: share depends on the discretion of one party and is not determined by a percentage, this partnership is deemed Fasid (invalid), and it is obligatory (..
Can a resident of Jeddah have his Halq or Taqseer done in Jeddah after ‘Umrah?
Question: Umrah. My question is: After performing all the acts of ‘Umrah, can I do Halq or Taqseer after returning to Jeddah, or not?..