Displaying 1 to 8 out of 8 results
Ruling for the Imam of a Mosque on making someone his substitute during Hajj vacations and receiving salary for those days
Question: Umrah, should those extra days be deducted in this case or not? Moreover, if he makes some person who is capable for this duty according to sharia p..
Is it necessary to offer Nawafil even after Nafl Tawaf?
Question: Umrah? Can these Nawafil be offered somewhere else?..
Stitched clothes in Ihram and Halq out of Haram[حرم]
Question: Umrah and cut a few hairs from less than a quarter of my head. Then, I took off the Ihram, wore stitched clothes and went out of Haram[حرم]. I wore st..
Can Fast Be Kept Or Eid Be Celebrated As Per Calender, Without Sighting The Moon?
Answer: Umrah and when we reached the valley of nakhlah, we sighted the moon, so some people said, it is 3 nights old, some people said, it is 2 nights old. H..
Umrah is preferable to Tawaf
Question: Umrah and wishes to perform more ‘Umrahs; what is preferable for him to perform now, ‘Umrah or Tawaf? (Questioner: Muhammad Shafeeq Athar, Wah Cantt)..
Can a resident of Jeddah have his Halq or Taqseer done in Jeddah after ‘Umrah?
Question: Umrah. My question is: After performing all the acts of ‘Umrah, can I do Halq or Taqseer after returning to Jeddah, or not?..
Depriving Sister Of Her Share In Inheritance And Can A Woman Perform Umrah With Her Share?
Question: Umrah? Some individuals claim that she is prohibited from doing so. Please provide Shariah guidance on this matter. ..
When is it preferable to perform Nafl Hajj and ‘Umrah?
Question: Umrah or to help a poor debtor is preferable?..