Displaying 1 to 10 out of 12 results
Ruling Regarding Not Specifying Ratio Of Profit Sharing In A Partnership
Question: profit sharing is concerned, we mutually decided that I would give him any amount from the profit as per my wish. Also, we did not discuss loss-sharin..
Mudarabah In Animals
Question: profit equally...
A Scenario In Which Profit On Bonds Issued By A Private Bank Becomes Ribah
Question: profit. The bank issues receipts (also called Debentures) and promises against the receipts an extra amount which is beyond the original amount deposi..
What Is The Ruling On Buying A Digital Prize Bond ?
Question: profits. Once a person acquires a Digital Prize Bond (DPB), they are prohibited from selling or transferring it to anyone else. There is no provision..
Ruling Regarding Larger Profit Share For Working Partner
Question: profit to the working partner?..
Ruling On Availing Free Services Without Specific Account Balance?
Answer: profit based on a loan is haram. The Hadith states: ”كل قرض جر منفعة فهو ربا۔“ Translation: Every loan that brings a benefit is riba (interest).(..
A Permissible Way to Sell Things Just by Sharing Pictures
Question: profit margin in it.” He furthers says, “once the deal is struck with a costumer, forward his address to me. I will deliver the product to the costume..
Ruling Regarding Buying Back a Sold Car
Answer: profit from something which did not enter into your Dhaman. For instance, you have sold a car for RS. one hundred thousand on credit, it becomes t..
Fixing a percentage on a loan?
Answer: profit on the loan and according to Hadith, the conditional profit on a loan is Riba (usury); just as it is unlawful (Haraam) to take Riba (interest),..
Purchasing Business Goods On Credit Instead Of Borrowing Money
Question: profit on his money too. In order to achieve this, my friend intends to buy the goods that I require, such as kitchen products, hobs, tongs, etc., fro..