Displaying 1 to 8 out of 8 results
Ruling Regarding Buying Back a Sold Car
Answer: ownership which you have sold. Now a part of price will be against a part of price and you will receive the rest of the price without it being against..
Ownership Of a Deceased Persons Pension
Giving a Child’s Eid-money to another Child as Eid-money
Question: ownership]do they fall within, the children’s or the parents’? (Questioner: Imran, Latif Abad, Zam Zam Nagar Hyderabad) ..
What Is The Ruling On Buying A Digital Prize Bond ?
Question: ownership transfer during the holder's lifetime, nor can it be used as collateral. The bonds remain in the name of the registered owner. However, if t..
A Permissible Way to Sell Things Just by Sharing Pictures
Answer: ownership of the seller is concerned, the beloved prophet صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ و اصحابہ و سلم has stated: ’’ لاتبع ماليس عندك‘‘ Translation: Do ..
Can A Husband Make Use Of His Wife’s Earnings?
Answer: ownership of the woman, regardless of whether she received it through inheritance, as bridal dowry, as a gift or earned it herself; the ruling in rega..
Buying And Selling Human Hair In Islam
Answer: ownership of the buyers. It is incumbent upon them (the landowners) to return the cost.” Explaining other scenarios of return, he states: I..
What Is Shariah Ruling For A Partner Who Wants To Sell A Co-Owned Plot While The Other Refuses To Do So
Answer: ownership of asset). Under Shirkatul Milk, each partner holds the right of disposal solely within his own share, and he is like a stranger to other's ..