Displaying 1 to 10 out of 12 results
Funeral Salah of an adult boy along with that of non-pubescent girl
Question: funeral Salah of an adult boy with that of a non-pubescent girl? If it is allowed, which Du’a will be recited during the funeral Salah; that of an adu..
What should be done if blood flows from the deceased after the bathing (Ghusl) and shrouding (Takfeen)
Question: funeral prayer. As the funeral prayer was about to commence, it was observed that the shroud around the wounded area had turned red due to blood. Some..
What is a Masjid Al-Bayt Its rulings and virtues
Question: itikaf inside a masjid al-bayt? Questioner: Abdullah, Karachi ..
The Ruling Regarding Praying Funeral Prayer Whilst Wearing Shoes
Question: funeral prayer be offered in shoes?..
An Important ruling regarding the funeral Salah
Question: funeral Salah be offered?..
Is it allowed to see the face of the deceased after the funeral Salah?
Question: funeral Salah...
To unfold hands after fourth Takbeer in funeral Salah
Question: funeral Salah for a long time, and the way we offer it is that after the fourth Takbeer we unfold the right hand as the Imam turns his face right sayi..
Who Can Have A Proxy Hajj (Ḥajj-E-Badal) Performed On Their Behalf
Answer: rites of Hajj. Excellent transport links are available between Makkah and Madina. With the availability of such facilities, your father is not deemed ..
Leaving the Place of Itikaf for Bathroom and Bathing For Women Due to Intense Heat
Can A Woman Bathe During Her Periods ?
Answer: rites, except that she should not perform circumambulation of the sacred House. Regarding bathing for the iḥrām, it is mentioned in Tabyīn al-Ḥaq..