Displaying 1 to 10 out of 12 results
Ruling Regarding Salah Offered on a Prayer Mat With Impurity Under It
Question: impurity) larger than the size of a Dirham under the prayer mat. However, the prayer mat was quite thick, so the effect of the impurity was not appare..
Ruling On Rinsing The Mouth And Sniffing Water Up The Nose While Fasting
Answer: impurity will not be removed. A person in this state cannot enter the masjid or offer salah, as this would be impermissible and sinful. It is farḍ to ..
Purchasing Gold Jewellery In Exchange For A Gold Bar
Answer: impurity is added to it, as is the case when silver and gold coins are cast, or whether it is not added, and it was naturally like that when extracted..
What should be done if blood flows from the deceased after the bathing (Ghusl) and shrouding (Takfeen)
Answer: impurity leaves the deceased’s body prior to being shrouded, the impurity should be washed away. If impurity leaves the body after the deceased is shr..
The Ruling On Taking An Immature Child To The Masjid And Standing Him In The Row (Saff)
Answer: impurity, is Makruh Tahreemi, i.e. it is impermissible and a sin, and if there is mere doubt or possibility of him spreading impurity, then it will be..
Invalidation of Wudu due to drinking alcohol
Answer: impurity coming into contact with the body or clothes. When anything impure is excreted from the body, then Wudu becomes invalid but there is also det..
Why Viewing Quran When Reciting Is Better Than Reciting By Heart? Can You View It In An Impure State ?
Question: impurity (which necessitates ghusl) look at the Quran intending to earn reward? 2.It is said that looking at the Quran whilst reciting it is bette..
An important matter for chicken-sellers
Answer: impurity and droppings, and becomes impure itself and also makes the outer surface of the meat impure. Moreover, it is not essential that one mus..
Tears That Flow From An Infected Eye And Their Effect On Wudu
Answer: impurity. If it flows from the eye and reaches the eyelashes or the corner of the eye, wuḍūˈ will be invalid. This is because while washing the face ..