Displaying 1 to 5 out of 5 results
Qurbani of an animal whose horn has broken off
Question: broken. We asked the owner about this and he said that one horn had broken off and so he removed the other one from the root too. What do the honourab..
The Qurbani sacrifice of an animal whose horns have been removed
Question: horns had been removed from the root, and then its wound had healed, and the skin went back to how it was usually. Will the Qurbani sacrifice of such ..
Disabled person making Tayammum and repeating Salahs after recovery from disability
Question: broken and hence he is unable to walk. Neither can he reach water himself nor is there anyone to make him perform Wudu; and neither is there anyone to..
Ruling On Manufacturing, Selling And Advertising A Cross Locket
Answer: broken. In this state, if they are to be sold to a Muslim and it is probable that he will then sell them on to Christians, it will not be permissible ..