Displaying 1 to 8 out of 8 results
Placing Black Pots Upside Down and Hanging Shoes on Cars to Avoid Evil Eye
The Ruling Regarding Praying Funeral Prayer Whilst Wearing Shoes
Question: shoes?..
Ruling on sex-reassignment (gender-change) surgery
Answer: hanging one’s gender through surgery renders support to the (abovementioned) Satanic claim and it is also like acting upon his command. The holy ..
Can Women Have More Than One Ear Or Nose Piercing ?
Answer: hanging jewellery from them for the purpose of beautification is permissible. If honourable Muslim women in a region have multiple piercings in t..
How Is It for a Woman to Offer Salah in a Cape Shawl?
Answer: hanging it over the body’ such as placing a jacket or waistcoat over the shoulders and not inserting the arms in the sleeves. Another explanation of ‘..
How Is It For A Man To Make Use Of A Female’s Clothes, Shoes And Other Items
Question: shoes etc., of a woman? Is there any difference in terms of if it is a Mahram1 or Non-Mahram, and does age make any difference?..
Wearing a metal ring without a gem for counting rounds of Tawaf
Question: hanging from it is available in the marketplace. Those performing Tawaf wear it in the finger and count the rounds of Tawaf on its beads. Is it permis..
Ruling On Manufacturing, Selling And Advertising A Cross Locket
Answer: hanging the cross (on one’s neck). In JāmiꜤ al-Fuṣūlayn it is mentioned: شد زنارا على وسطه أو وضع صليباً على كتفه كفر “Whoever wears a Zunnar( a..