Displaying 71 to 80 out of 84 results
What If There Is Not Sufficient Time To Pray The Sunnah Rak’aat Before Zuhr
Answer: imam in the first rak’at before ruku’, one should offer the sunnah first and then join the congregation. However, when offering the sunnah in this cas..
What Is The Ruling To Congratulate Ramadan Mubarak ?
Answer: Imam Aḥmad bin Ḥanbal, on the authority of sayyidunā Abū Hurayrah رضی اللہ عنہ: واللفظ للاول:’’ قال نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو يبشر اصحابه: قد ج..
Is Prayer on the Last Friday of Ramadan Fulfilling Missing Prayers?
Answer: Imam Ahmad Raza Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه in Farsi. So, he رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه said in reply: "This method (Qaza Umri) which has been i..
Ruling Of Reciting Tasmiyah Prior To Surat Al Fatihah And The Additional Surah In Salah
Answer: imam and the one praying alone. Likewise, this is also sunnah for the latecomer (masbūq) when he makes up the units he missed. According to the prefer..
Where Should One Praying On A Chair Place His Chair In Salah
Answer: Imam Ahmed Raza Khan رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه states regarding the Wajibs of a row: “Three important aspects regarding the straightening of rows in Sala..
Ruling On Inheritance Of A Missing Person
Answer: Imam Ibn Humam is that his age should reach seventy years. It is mentioned in Radd al-Muhtar from Fath al-Qadeer: ”واختار ابن ھمام سبعین لقولہ علیہ ..
Breastfeeding And Pregnant Women-Rulings Regarding Their Fasting
Answer: Imam Aḥmad Razā Khān رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه explains “Both breastfeeding and pregnant women are allowed not to fast, only in the case when there ..
Buying Something Online on the Condition You Will not Return it
Answer: Imam Ibn al-Humām’s رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه statement: ای: اذا کان الخیار معلقاً بالرؤیۃ کان عدماً قبلھا فلا یصح اسقاطہ بالرضا It is mention..
Why Viewing Quran When Reciting Is Better Than Reciting By Heart? Can You View It In An Impure State ?
Answer: Imam Daylamī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه reports that the beloved Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم said: فضل قراءة القرآن نظرا على ..
What Is The Ruling If One Performs Three Sajdah In Sajdah Sahw Instead Of Two?
Answer: Imam Shams al-Aimma Sarakhsi رحمۃ اللہ علیہ states: قال: (وإذا سها في صلاته مرات لا يجب عليه إلا سجدتان) لقوله صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم : ”سجدتان تجزئان ع..