Displaying 71 to 80 out of 133 results
Can Witr Or Any Other Wajib Salah Be Offered At Fajr Time ?
Question: alah be offered during that time?..
Can A Person Who Offers Nafl Salah Alone At Night Recite Audibly ?
Question: alat-ut-Taubah at night; am I allowed to recite audibly? I offer this Nafl Salah alone...
Will Passing A Machine Over Hair Shorter Than A Finger Digit Suffice To Exit Ihram?
Question: alent to shaving the head? Furthermore, what will be the ruling in this case if one passes a machine over the head and later uses a blade?..
Does mistakenly eating post-Suhoor invalidate fast
Question: alized that due to the wrong time on the clock, he continued to eat until two minutes after the end of Suhoor time. Was the fast carried out in this c..
Can Fast Be Kept Or Eid Be Celebrated As Per Calender, Without Sighting The Moon?
Question: alendar, without sighting the moon? 2] Sometimes a month begins according to the calendar, whilst the moon is not visible on that day and then when i..
Long Distance Travel To Another City With The Intention Of a 15 Day Stay
Answer: all four-unit mandatory prayers will be shortened to two. When he crosses the boundary of his destination city, he will become a resident due to his i..
Ruling On Taking Payment For Bathing A Deceased Person
Answer: allowed. In Tanwīr al-Abṣār wa Durr al-Mukhtār: (والأفضل أن يغسل) الميت (مجانا، فإن ابتغى الغاسل الأجر جاز إن كان ثمة غيره وإلا لا) لتعينه ..
Making a will regarding the carrying out of a good deed
Question: sadaqah jariyah (continuous reward)? If Islam does allow this, then what is its limit? Meaning, to what extent can we make a will regarding our wealth..
What Is The Superior Time For Offering Zuhr Salah ?
Question: alah?..
Preparing Jewellery On Order Purchase
Question: al correct?..