Displaying 51 to 53 out of 53 results
Earning Money By Watching Videos Is Impermissible
Answer: Part 06, Surah Al-Maidah, Verse 02) The beloved Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم has said regarding deceiving others: ” ليس منا من غش “ Translation..
Ruling Regarding Selling A Kidney For Medical Treatment Of A Patient
Answer: Part 15, Bani Israil, Ayat 70) It has been stated in the book Inayah Sharah Hidayah: ’’وجزء الآدمى ليس بمال... وماليس بمال لايجوز بيعه‘‘ Tran..
Mudarabah In Animals
Question: partner. We will sell the animals and share the profit equally...