Displaying 51 to 60 out of 133 results
Long recitation made by Imam and objection raised by Muqtadis
Answer: person who is old, ill, weak or who has to do some necessary piece of work, so it is a Sunnah for the Imam to recite Tiwal-e-Mufasssal (any Surah from..
Fard Hajj or marriage of daughter! What to do first?
Answer: person, it is Fard upon him to go to perform Hajj the same year. Not performing Hajj the same year without any Shari’ah-approved reason is a sin. Isla..
Eating and drinking something on suspicion of invalidation of Sawm(fast)
Question: person vomits involuntarily and assumes that his Sawm [fast] has now become invalid. Therefore, he begins to eat and drink things. The question is, wh..
Ruling on doing Iftar by mistake before time
Question: person observed a Sawm(fast) but he made a mistake while looking at Iftar timing in the specified timetable. As a result, he broke his Sawm one minute..
How is it for a Sawm-keeping(fasting) person to eat and drink water, etc. after vomit?
Question: person vomits involuntarily in the state of Sawm(fast) and the vomit is also “mouthful”[which can not be prevented easily]. He is under the impression..
Method for doing Tahneek
Answer: person or a pious person should be asked to do Tahneek. Its method is that the person doing Tahneek should chew any sweet food item himself first and ..
Sahari and Fasting
Question: person awoke late thinking that the time for Sahari is still remaining so he continued eating. He later finds out that the time for Sahari had elapsed..
Making a will regarding the carrying out of a good deed
Answer: person may benefit his friend or family member, and that act itself is permissible, and righteous deeds are especially emphasised within a will. For e..
Can We Take a Vow for Anyone Other Than Allah Almighty?
Answer: person vows to perform a non-obligatory act of worship for Allah. For example, he says, “If I recover from this illness, I will pray 100 Rak’aat of Na..
Ruling Regarding Zakat On The Amount Of Money Saved For Hajj
Answer: person is not an obstacle for zakat, such as nadhr, kaffarah, ṣadaqah, ḥajj and qurbani. If their expenses are taken out from niṣāb and by doing this ..