Displaying 51 to 60 out of 78 results
Rejoicing on the last Wednesday of Safar?
Question: اللہ عنھم celebrated that by preparing delicious food. Please state the ruling on doing so with this belief in mind?..
A Permissible Way to Sell Things Just by Sharing Pictures
Answer: اللہ علیہ و آلہ و اصحابہ و سلم has stated: ’’ لاتبع ماليس عندك‘‘ Translation: Do not sell that which you do not own. (Sunnan Al-Nisae, Vol 7, P..
Why Viewing Quran When Reciting Is Better Than Reciting By Heart? Can You View It In An Impure State ?
Answer: اللہ و ما حظها من العبادة قال : النظر في المصحف و التفكر فيه و الاعتبار عند عجائبه “Grant your eyes their share of worship.” It was asked, “O Mes..
What Is Shariah Ruling For A Partner Who Wants To Sell A Co-Owned Plot While The Other Refuses To Do So
Answer: اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ defines the Shrikatul Milk in following words in his book Tanveerul Absar: ”شرکۃ ملک وھی ان یملک متعدد عینا اودینا بارث اوبیع اوغیر ..
Is It Necessary To Repay A Loan Borrowed From A Son Or Brother?
Answer: اللہ و لیصل رحمہ رواہ عبداللہ ابن الإمام في زوائد المسند و البزار بسند جیّد و الحاکم في المستدرک عن أمیر المؤمنین علي کرم اللہ تعالٰی وجھہ Translatio..
If A Masbooq Missed 1st Eid Rakaat When Should He Recite Takbir ?
Answer: اللہ عنه يقرأ أولافیما يقضي ثم يكبر تكبيرات العيد وفي النوادر يكبر أولا ،لأن ما يقضيه المسبوق أول صلاته في حق الأذكار إجماعا. وجه الظاهر أن البداءة با..
Uttering, “I take an oath by Allah and His Messenger that I will not do this”
Answer: اللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَ رَسُوْلُہٗ اَعْلَم صلَّی اللہ علیہ واٰلہٖ وسلَّم ..
Is It Wajib To Provide The Wife With The Same Food As The Husband Consumes ?
Answer: اللہَ فی النساءفانکم اخذتموھن بامان اللہ Meaning, fear Allah Almighty in the matter of women as you have taken them under the protection of Allah Alm..
The Shariah Ruling Concerning Fluctuation of A Currency After A Deal Has Been Concluded
Answer: اللہ علیہwhile mentioning the rulings regarding the increase and decrease of currency after (finalization of) a transaction writes in his booklet "تن..
Rulings Regarding Buying A Plot On Installments And Imposing A Fine On Late Installments
Answer: اللہ علیہ) writes in Fatawa Razaviyya: " التاجیل جائز کما حققنا کل ذلک وما التنجیم الا نوع من التاجیل " Translation: fixing a duration (in a sal..