Displaying 41 to 50 out of 92 results
Can A Person Who Offers Nafl Salah Alone At Night Recite Audibly ?
Question: Salah alone...
Eating or Drinking at Suhoor until the Azan
Answer: Salah once fajr time starts. Therefore, the fast of anyone who continued eating or drinking after the azan is not valid. It is necessary for such an i..
Invalidation of Wudu due to drinking alcohol
Answer: repeat the Salah. If the soiled part is more than the quantity of a dirham, so Salah will not be valid at all. As for the invalidation of Wudu, so Wud..
Disabled person making Tayammum and repeating Salahs after recovery from disability
Question: repeat the Salahs that he performed with Tayammum?..
How should a Sutrah (barrier) be used in Salah ?
Question: Salah so that it becomes permissible to walk in front of them? Should it be placed upright in front of those offering Salah, or should it be placed fl..
The imam and followers shaking hands after salah
Question: salah?..
If Takbirs Of A Muqtadi Remain Outstanding During Eid Salah How Does He Complete His Salah?
Question: salah after one or two of the additional takbīrs in the first unit (rak’at) of salah, when will he say the additional takbīrs? If he misses three takb..
What If There Is Not Sufficient Time To Pray The Sunnah Rak’aat Before Zuhr
Answer: salah will result in you missing 1 or 2 rak’aat [of congregational prayer], it will not be permitted for you to offer the preceding sunnah, rather, it..
I read Surah al-Naas in the first Rak’at of prayer, what should I recite in the second Rak’at?
Answer: repeat recitation of one surah in 2 Rak’aat of Fard prayer, is Makruh Tanzeehi and is contrary to that which is preferred but not a sin. If it is done..