Displaying 41 to 50 out of 66 results
What Is Shariah Ruling For A Partner Who Wants To Sell A Co-Owned Plot While The Other Refuses To Do So
Answer: Hanafi رحمۃ اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ: ”(وكل) من شركاء الملك (أجنبي) في الامتناع عن تصرف مضر (في مال صاحبه) لعدم تضمنها الوكالة (فصح له بيع حصته ولو من غير شر..
Ruling Regarding Buying Back a Sold Car
Answer: Hanafi Mazhab). The author of Hidayah has mentioned the condition “before the payment” because selling after receiving the price is permissible unanim..
Ruling Regarding Giving Two For The Price Of One Item For Promotion
Answer: Hanafi Fiqh Al-Hidayah has also mentioned the permissibly of addition in subject of the sale from a seller’s side. ”ويجوز للبائع ان يزيد للمشتری فی ا..
How is it to sell the house on the condition that the seller will live in it on rent?
Answer: making the deal on any impermissible condition, both of them will be sinners and it will also be obligatory to cancel the agreement وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ..
Price difference between cash sale and credit sale
Answer: making the deal on credit, the payment time period must be decided and both sides must be aware of it. Third, there must not be any impermissible cond..
Is it allowed to sell school notebooks and books that cannot be benefitted from?
Answer: making an opening in the Qiblah side of the wall) or make a coffin-like grave and cover it with slabs and then cover the slabs with soil so that the s..
Definition of Shari’ Ma’zoor person[who is unable to sustain Wudu]
Answer: making considerable efforts. Although he might get free from the disease for a very short period of time, yet it is not sufficient to make Wudu and of..
An important matter for chicken-sellers
Answer: making an abundant quantity of water flow on it and releasing pure water on it; if you have strong opinion certain about the purity, even then the chi..
Ruling for the Imam of a Mosque on making someone his substitute during Hajj vacations and receiving salary for those days
An important ruling on putting a child up for adoption
Answer: making her his child, not as a loan; hence, he is not even deserving of the amount being returned. (Fatawa Razawiyyah, vol. 13, p. 413) وَاللہُ اَعْل..