Displaying 41 to 50 out of 131 results
The Superstition of a Crying Cat
Answer: sin...
Depriving Sister Of Her Share In Inheritance And Can A Woman Perform Umrah With Her Share?
Answer: sin. The Holy Qur'an and blessed Hadith contain strong admonitions regarding this matter. According to the blessed sayings of the Holy Prophet صَلَّى ..
Selling Good Quality Rice In Exchange For Lower Quality Rice
Answer: sin, even if there is a difference in their quality. There are two causes for usury: Qadr (Amount) - the items being sold are makīlī or mawz..
How Is It to Pray in A Place with A Lot of Noise Like a Factory?
Answer: sing the Ṣalāĥ offering person’s attention to be distracted and leading to a disturbed state of mind. Praying in such places is considered Makrūĥ and ..
Definition of Shari’ Ma’zoor person[who is unable to sustain Wudu]
Answer: sing drops of urine or persistent diarrhoea, etc. under the following condition: The complete time of one Salah passes in such a way that he is unable..
Missing Sajdah in a Rak’at
Copy of Quran in front of or behind the Salah-offering person
Answer: sing his eyes on the place of Sajdah in the state of Qiyam and his eyes fall on the designs and writing, etc., distracting his attention from the Sala..
Ruling Regarding Offering Salah While Wearing Gloves
Question: Salah offered while wearing gloves due to the cold?..
Joining the congregation when the imam is in the second prostration of the first Rak’at of salah
Answer: sinful for a person to wait for the imam to stand before joining salah. Nevertheless, it is recommended (mustaḥabb) to join salah in whatever state th..
Can We Offer Prostration of Thankfulness After Asr Salah ?
Question: salah?..