Displaying 41 to 50 out of 207 results
Can We Offer Prostration of Thankfulness After Asr Salah ?
Question: salah?..
How is it to offer Salah in the state of Idtiba’?
Question: scholars and the muftis of jurisprudence say regarding this matter that if one did idtiba’ within Tawaf and then offered Salah after the Tawaf in the ..
Ruling On Pausing In Salah For Forgotten Quran Verse
Question: Salah?..
Long recitation made by Imam and objection raised by Muqtadis
Question: scholars say about the following issue: How is it for the Imam to make a long recitation of Surahs during Salah and how is it for the Muqtadis to obj..
Ruling On Manufacturing, Selling And Advertising A Cross Locket
Answer: scholars explicitly mentioned regarding gold and silver cross necklaces found amongst the spoils of war, that they should be broken. In this state, if..
What is a Masjid Al-Bayt Its rulings and virtues
Answer: salah is referred to as masjid al-bayt. To specify such a place is mustahab (recommended). It is better for it to be relatively high and kept clean an..
Can Witr Or Any Other Wajib Salah Be Offered At Fajr Time ?
Question: salah be offered during that time?..
Offering Salah while wearing glasses made up of plastic or steel frame
Question: scholars ruled on the following issue? Is it allowed or not to offer Salah while wearing glasses made up of a plastic or iron frame, etc. (Questioner..
Do the Deceased Recognize those Who Convey Rewards to Them?
Question: scholars say about the following: We have heard that when relatives and non-relatives convey rewards in the form of Istighfar, Sadqa, recitation of th..
If it is not proved from the blessed Sahabah رَضِیَ اللّٰهُ عَنْهُم to organize Mahfils [gatherings] of blessed Mawlid and celebrate the day of blessed birth, will it be impermissible to do so?
Question: scholars] and Muftis [Islamic jurists] state regarding the following matter: Some people say that neither the Beloved Rasool صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ و..