Displaying 41 to 50 out of 89 results
Can A Person Who Offers Nafl Salah Alone At Night Recite Audibly ?
Question: Salah alone...
How should a Sutrah (barrier) be used in Salah ?
Question: Salah so that it becomes permissible to walk in front of them? Should it be placed upright in front of those offering Salah, or should it be placed fl..
The imam and followers shaking hands after salah
Question: salah?..
If Takbirs Of A Muqtadi Remain Outstanding During Eid Salah How Does He Complete His Salah?
Question: salah after one or two of the additional takbīrs in the first unit (rak’at) of salah, when will he say the additional takbīrs? If he misses three takb..
How is it to offer Salah with eyes closed?
Question: Salah with eyes closed? Can we do that or not? ..
Where Should Children Be Made To Stand In The Row
Answer: Salah is that their row is made separately, behind that of the men. However, if there is only one child, it is not necessary to form a separate row fo..
An Important ruling regarding the funeral Salah
Question: Salah be offered?..
Forgetting to recite a Surah after Fatihah in Salah?
Sadaqa-tul-Fitr not paid prior to Eid Salah
Question: Salah, and many days have passed, then what is the ruling? Also, please shed light on whether he will be sinful due to delaying its payment. Bint Abd..
If A Masbooq Missed 1st Eid Rakaat When Should He Recite Takbir ?
Question: Salah is missed, then when should a Masbooq[person who has missed one or more Rakaats from the beginning] utter the missed Takbiraat in the Remaining ..