Displaying 31 to 40 out of 51 results
Is 8 Rabi-ul Awwal, the date of birth written in Fatawa Razawiyyah?
Question: state regarding the following matter: Some people have published a sticker, giving the reference of A’la Hazrat Imam-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Imam Ahmad Raza Kh..
How is it for a Sawm-keeping(fasting) person to eat and drink water, etc. after vomit?
Question: state of Sawm(fast) and the vomit is also “mouthful”[which can not be prevented easily]. He is under the impression that vomit invalidates the Sawm. T..
How is it to swallow saliva in the state of Sawm(fast)?
Acidic belch in the state of Sawm
Saying ‘Khuda Hafiz’ at the time of leaving
Question: state regarding the following matter: After meeting, people say ‘Khuda Hafiz’ at the time of leaving; is it correct to do so? (Questioner: Danish Raza..
Can a resident of Jeddah have his Halq or Taqseer done in Jeddah after ‘Umrah?
Question: state regarding the following matter: I am a resident of Jeddah and I visit blessed Makkah to perform ‘Umrah. My question is: After performing all the..
Is markhor [mountain goat] Halal or Haraam?
Question: state regarding the following matter: Is markhor a Halal animal or a Haraam one? (Questioner: Pervez Qamar)..
Copy of Quran in front of or behind the Salah-offering person
Answer: state of Qiyam and his eyes fall on the designs and writing, etc., distracting his attention from the Salah; then this is Makruh. Similarly, having on..
Method for doing Tahneek
Question: state regarding the following matter: What is the method for doing Tahneek after the birth of a child? Moreover, which deeds should be carried out on ..
To unfold hands after fourth Takbeer in funeral Salah
Answer: state of Qiyam in which one has to stay or do Zikr and recitation, one will fold hands and where it is not the case one will not fold the hands. Since..