Displaying 31 to 40 out of 40 results
Ruling On Inheritance Of A Missing Person
Answer: Ramadan ul Mubarak, 1443 A.H. (April 7, 2022) ..
Shari rulings about condolence
Answer: fasting for three days,’ this comforts them.’ (Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 2, pp. 507) )3)- The main purpose of condolence is to persuade family members o..
Eating and drinking something on suspicion of invalidation of Sawm(fast)
Answer: Ramadan-ul-Mubarak. Instead, it is obligatory for him to remain like Sawm-observing people. Therefore, he must also repent of this sin. وَاللہُ اَعْل..
Should A Child Repeat Salah When He Reaches The Age Of Puberty (Being Baligh)?
Answer: fasting etc. become Fard upon them, they can fulfil their responsibilities according to the correct method, in accordance with the appropriate Islamic..
Clarification of the two cases in which Sawm(fast) becomes invalid
Question: Ramadan’: If there is a morsel of food in somebody’s mouth at Sahari and the time of Sahari ends with the morsel still in his mouth or if somebody who..
Is woman allowed to go to graveyard for recitation of Fatihah?
Question: Ramadan. My sister often says that she will go to the grave of the father in the graveyard. Is it allowed for a woman to go to the graveyard while obs..
The ruling of I’tikaf at praying area[not declared masjid]
Question: Ramadan at praying area[not declared Masjid]? ..
Offering Taraweeh while sitting
Question: Ramadan,’ it is stated that, ‘Offering Taraweeh while sitting down, without a valid reason, is Makruh …’ Does this mean it is Makruh-e-Tanzeehi or Mak..
If Takbirs Of A Muqtadi Remain Outstanding During Eid Salah How Does He Complete His Salah?
Date: 11 Ramadan 1441 AH/5 May 2020 CE
Can Fast Be Kept Or Eid Be Celebrated As Per Calender, Without Sighting The Moon?
Date: 13 Ramadan ul Mubarak 1441/7th May, 2020