Displaying 31 to 33 out of 33 results
Long Distance Travel To Another City With The Intention Of a 15 Day Stay
Answer: return in less than 15 days, or move on to another location, then this shortening will continue during his stay. If residence is intended [15 days or ..
Can Someone’s Debt Be Paid Without Their Permission
Answer: returned to him. It is mentioned in ꜤUqud al-Durriyyah: المتبرع لا یرجع بما تبرع بہ علی غیرہ کما لو قضی دین غیرہ بغیر امرہ – “Someone who does an ..
A Permissible Way to Sell Things Just by Sharing Pictures
Answer: return) he will pay an amount as Ujrat (fee), the broker deserves Ujrat Mithl (i.e. renumeration in market practice). The book “Sharah Hamavi” whi..