Displaying 31 to 40 out of 54 results
Eating and drinking something on suspicion of invalidation of Sawm(fast)
Answer: food after the vomit, he was not allowed by Shari’ah to eat and drink anything. Because if the Sawm of a person becomes invalid even by mistake, he is..
Is It Necessary To Celebrate The Walimah On A Large Scale?
Question: food cooked and invites some members of his in laws for a Walimah meal, will his Walimah be classed as valid? Please provide guidance...
Can a resident of Jeddah have his Halq or Taqseer done in Jeddah after ‘Umrah?
Answer: Haram[حرم]. Dam [دَم] will be compulsory for him in case he has it done outside the limits of Haram. Since Jeddah is outside Haram, you cannot have Ha..
Is It Necessary To Repay A Loan Borrowed From A Son Or Brother?
Answer: food, drink, clothing, and housing. If necessary, this may extend to a household servant." There is a blessed Hadith in Sahih Bukhari: من أحب أ..
A Scenario In Which Profit On Bonds Issued By A Private Bank Becomes Ribah
Answer: Haram. Allah the Almighty says in the holy Quran: اَلَّذِیۡنَ یَاۡکُلُوۡنَ الرِّبٰوا لَا یَقُوۡمُوۡنَ اِلَّا کَمَا یَقُوۡمُ الَّذِیۡ یَتَخَبَّطُہ..
A Permissible Way to Sell Things Just by Sharing Pictures
Answer: haram. The detailed answer is as follows: One of the fundamental conditions for a sale to be valid is that the seller must own the product being s..
Ruling Regarding Buying Back a Sold Car
Answer: Haram because of a clear statement(نص) in this regard.(Raddul Muhtar Ma Durrul Mukhtar, Vol 07, Page 269, Quetta) Sadrush-Sharia Badrut-Tariqah Mu..
Is it necessary to offer Nawafil even after Nafl Tawaf?
Answer: Haram-e-Makkah. Except for these places, no other place is preferable. However, if offered outside the Haram, this Salah will still be valid but will ..
Buying And Selling Human Hair In Islam
Answer: Haram. For women, apart from the actual buying and selling element, there is the issue that even after such hair is removed from their head it is sti..
Ruling Regarding Not Specifying Ratio Of Profit Sharing In A Partnership
Answer: Haram 1444 Hijri/ June 16, 2023 Translated by Maulana Abdul wajid madani وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَرَسُوْلُہ اَعْلَم صَلَّی اللّٰہُ تَعَالٰی ع..