Displaying 21 to 30 out of 93 results
Can Men Wear Shorts ?
Answer: impermissible to intentionally look at a person’s knees or thighs. Clothing is a great blessing from Allah. Mankind can cover their privacy, beau..
If it is not proved from the blessed Sahabah رَضِیَ اللّٰهُ عَنْهُم to organize Mahfils [gatherings] of blessed Mawlid and celebrate the day of blessed birth, will it be impermissible to do so?
The Islamic Ruling on Transgender Person
Answer: impermissible and haram actions that lead to Jahannam. Allah Almighty has declared in the noble Qur’an: لَّعۡنَتَ اللہ ِعَلَی الۡکٰذِبِیۡنَ Hen..
Ruling Regarding Giving Two For The Price Of One Item For Promotion
Answer: contract to take place and each one of them will make this contract a permissible contract. The first explanation is as follows: the seller inform..
Is the Khatm of Koonde for Imam Jafar Sadiq or Amir Muawiyah Exploring the Permissibility
Answer: impermissible is to invent a lie against Allah, His Messenger and sharīʿah. Mufti Aḥmad Yār Khān Naʿīmi رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه explains regar..
Paying Fines For Absences From School Or Madrasah
Answer: impermissible to act upon that which has been abrogated. Moreover ,this proves the grabbing of someone's belongings without validity and a Shariah-jus..
The Ruling On Taking Part In Boxing
Answer: impermissible and haram for several reasons: 1. It is haram to strike the face of a human without a valid shar’i reason. In fact, when Islamic cou..
Can Women Have More Than One Ear Or Nose Piercing ?
Answer: impermissible. Yet, there any countless trends and customs across the world. If this type of piercing is common in an area amongst righteous Musl..
Selling Good Quality Rice In Exchange For Lower Quality Rice
Answer: impermissible, haram and a sin, even if there is a difference in their quality. There are two causes for usury: Qadr (Amount) - the items be..
The Superstition of a Crying Cat
Answer: impermissible and a sin...