Displaying 21 to 30 out of 31 results
Invalidation of Wudu due to drinking alcohol
Answer: body is soiled with alcohol equal to the quantity of a dirham either collectively or separately, so it will not be permissible to offer Salah. If offe..
Is it allowed to sell school notebooks and books that cannot be benefitted from?
Answer: digging the ground and making an opening in the Qiblah side of the wall) or make a coffin-like grave and cover it with slabs and then cover the slabs ..
Ruling On Applying Antimony, Oil And Henna While Fasting
Question: body? Moreover, is the fast invalidated by applying henna?..
Tears That Flow From An Infected Eye And Their Effect On Wudu
Answer: body due to illness, it is stated in Ghunyat al-Mustamlī and al-Ikhtiyār etc.: کل مایخرج من علۃ من ای موضع کان کالاذن والثدی والسرۃ ونحوھا فانہ ناقض..
Is markhor [mountain goat] Halal or Haraam?
Answer: dead animal, it is Halal; and both these attributes are found in markhor. (Durr-e-Mukhtar, vol. 9, pp. 620; Fatawa Razawiyyah, vol. 20, pp. 313)..
Can A Husband Make Use Of His Wife’s Earnings?
Answer: body part that must be covered can be seen. The clothes must not be so tight and fitted that the form of the body becomes apparent (for example, the ..
Copy of Quran in front of or behind the Salah-offering person
Answer: body and is focusing his eyes on the place of Sajdah in the state of Qiyam and his eyes fall on the designs and writing, etc., distracting his attenti..
Will having an injection break the fast?
Answer: body but it does so through the pores, and this is not contrary to fasting. It is written in Fatawa Fayz-ur-Rasool: Research entails that an injectio..
An important matter for chicken-sellers
Question: body with the assistance of a machine. Then we remove all the filth from the inside. We wash [the meat] with the water flowing with pressure and cut i..