Displaying 21 to 30 out of 31 results
Iddah of a widow and how is to act upon a Will which is contrary to Shari’ah?
Question: remain in ‘Iddah’ only until the 40th day. Now my sister and other family members are saying that the ‘Iddah’ will in fact be until the 40th day as th..
Leading the funeral prayer (janaza) whilst in Iʿtikāf
Answer: remain the case, even if no-one else is available to lead the janāza. If you perform Iʿtikāf, the people of the neighbourhood should arrange for s..
What is a Masjid Al-Bayt Its rulings and virtues
Answer: remain within the bounds of the masjid al-bayt. In the event of leaving to go to the toilet or perform wudu, it is only permitted to do so out of nece..
Students Do Qada Of The Fasts Due To Examinations In The Month Of Ramadan
Answer: remain silent[approve] when the child miss a fast, then they will be sinful for leaving a wajib. وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَرَسُوْلُہ اَعْلَم صَ..
Can Father Waive His Daughter's Meher? Or A Woman Voluntarily Waive Her Meher?
Answer: remain obligatory upon her husband. Even if the woman accepts her father's waiving, but her satisfaction is not included, her right to dowry will..
Long Distance Travel To Another City With The Intention Of a 15 Day Stay
Answer: remain until he reaches his destination. During his journey, as soon as he passes the populated area until he enters the boundary of his destination,..
What Is The Ruling On Buying A Digital Prize Bond ?
Question: remain in the name of the registered owner. However, if the DPB holder wishes to withdraw, they can return the bond through the purchasing account, an..
A Scenario In Which Profit On Bonds Issued By A Private Bank Becomes Ribah
Answer: remain therein for a very long time. Allah destroys usury (by eliminating any blessing in it) and gives growth to charity, and Allah does not like any..
Ruling Regarding Buying Back a Sold Car
Answer: remaining fifty thousand which you have not received into your possession yet, will be given to you without being against any thing and this is imperm..
Lowering The Price After A Sale Has Been Finalized
Answer: remain a sale-contract and relevant rulings will apply to it. (Fatawa Razaviyya, Vol 17, Page 246, Raza Foundation) Answered By: Abu Muhammad..