Displaying 21 to 24 out of 24 results
Wearing a metal ring without a gem for counting rounds of Tawaf
Answer: men only when it is worn as a piece of jewellery. This is specific to the items of jewellery and an item of jewellery is such a thing that one gets ad..
The Ruling On Taking An Immature Child To The Masjid And Standing Him In The Row (Saff)
Answer: men; care should be taken to complete the row...
Ruling On Renting Out Goods For Weddings And Other Occasions
Question: ment, like fans, AC systems, generators, and lights. On some weddings, during mehndi celebrations, there is free mixing between men and women, singing..
Ruling Regarding Offering Salah While Wearing Gloves
Answer: men should offer Salah barehanded while women, in most cases, should cover their hands in their shawls as there is more veiling in this. Hazrat Wa..