Displaying 21 to 24 out of 24 results
Is It Wajib To Provide The Wife With The Same Food As The Husband Consumes ?
Answer: protection of Allah Almighty(Sahih Muslim, vol. 2, p. 886, Beirut) There is a blessed Hadith regarding treating wife well: ومھما انفقت فھو لک صدق..
What Is The Ruling On Buying A Digital Prize Bond ?
Answer: evil spirit making him insane; this is because they said, 'Trade is in fact also like usury.' And Allah has made trading lawful and has made usury unl..
A Scenario In Which Profit On Bonds Issued By A Private Bank Becomes Ribah
Answer: evil spirit making him insane; this is because they said, "Trade is in fact also like usury.' And Allah has made trading lawful and has made usury unl..
Selling A Moveable Object Without Acquiring Its Possession Is A Sin
Answer: evil because it is a sinful action therefore the elimination is compulsory. (Durrul Mukhtar ma Raddul Muhtar, Vol 5, page 91, Beirut) Ala Hazrat I..