Displaying 211 to 220 out of 280 results
Method for doing Tahneek
Mujeeb: Mufti Abu Muhammad Ali Asghar Attari
Umrah is preferable to Tawaf
Question: Muftis ruled on the following issue? A person has already performed an ‘Umrah and wishes to perform more ‘Umrahs; what is preferable for him to perfor..
Funeral Salah of an adult boy along with that of non-pubescent girl
Offering Salah while wearing glasses made up of plastic or steel frame
Mufti: Mufti Fuzail Raza Attari
Permissible way of having R.O. plant installed
Is it allowed to see the face of the deceased after the funeral Salah?
Ruling on four Rak’aat of Salat-uz-Zuhr forgetfully led by Shari’ah-declared travelling Imam
The Ruling for Coughing in Salah
Repetition of the Tawaf performed without Wudu
Question: Muftis say about the following issue? I performed the Tawaf of Ziyarah without Wudu. Later on, I became aware of the actual ruling and repeated this T..
Delaying Hajj despite it being Fard
Question: Muftis say about the following issue? Hajj is Fard for a husband but he delays it for some years for the reason that he will save some more money so t..