Displaying 11 to 20 out of 34 results
Islamic Law Concerning Tawidhat Amulets And Recitals For Cure Damm
Answer: Ramadan 1443H/26th April 2022 ..
In which month should Zakah be given?
Question: Ramadan? Questioner: Gulstan Anjum (Chakwal) ..
What Is The Ruling To Congratulate Ramadan Mubarak ?
Is Prayer on the Last Friday of Ramadan Fulfilling Missing Prayers?
Question: Ramadan Expiation for Missing Prayers?..
Can Sadaqah Al-fitr be Given before Eid?
Answer: Ramadan. It is mentioned in Muḥīṭ Burhāni: یجوز تعجیلھا قبل یوم الفطر بیوم او یومین فی روایۃ الکرخی وعن ابی حنیفۃ لسنۃ او سنتین Mufti Amjad ʿAl..
The 6 fasts of Shawwal
Question: Ramadan-ul-Mubarak, is it necessary to keep them consecutively or can they be kept separately too? Questioner: Tanweer Iqbal, (Rawalpindi) ..
In The Month Of Ramadan Is It Better To Perform Witr Salah With Jamaat Or At Home With Tahajjud?
Eating or Drinking at Suhoor until the Azan
Question: Ramadan until after the azan, will the fast of that day be valid? Also, will one have to make up (do qaḍā’) for that fast?..
Students Do Qada Of The Fasts Due To Examinations In The Month Of Ramadan
Ruling On Inheritance Of A Missing Person
Answer: Ramadan ul Mubarak, 1443 A.H. (April 7, 2022) ..