Displaying 11 to 13 out of 13 results
If A Masbooq Missed 1st Eid Rakaat When Should He Recite Takbir ?
Question: Eid Salah is missed, then when should a Masbooq[person who has missed one or more Rakaats from the beginning] utter the missed Takbiraat in the Remain..
Leaving the Place of Itikaf for Bathroom and Bathing For Women Due to Intense Heat
Answer: Eid or JumuꜤah, or going onto the minaret to call out the azan if accessing the minaret entails going outside. If one can access the minaret from insi..
Ruling Regarding Zakat On The Amount Of Money Saved For Hajj
Answer: Eid al-Aḍḥa or not?” The imam replied, “Zakat is obligatory (farḍ) upon him, whilst ṣadaqah and qurbani are necessary (wājib).” Mufti Amjad ʿAli..