Displaying 11 to 20 out of 27 results
Earning Money By Watching Videos Is Impermissible
Answer: conditions for a hiring agreement to be valid is that the work for which an individual is employed possesses a "Manfat-e-Maqsoodah" (i.e. a meant-bene..
A Permissible Way to Sell Things Just by Sharing Pictures
Answer: conditions for a sale to be valid is that the seller must own the product being sold. If this condition is not met, the sale will be considered "Batil..
Mudarabah In Animals
Answer: conditions (for Mudarabah) is that the capital must be from the category of Dirham and Dinar (Badayus Sanay, Vol 6, Page 82, Darul Kutub Al-ilmiyah, B..
What Is Shariah Ruling For A Partner Who Wants To Sell A Co-Owned Plot While The Other Refuses To Do So
Answer: partnership contract known as Shirkat-ul-Milk (Co-ownership of asset). Under Shirkatul Milk, each partner holds the right of disposal solely within hi..
Delaying Hajj despite it being Fard
Answer: conditions are also met, she must go to fulfil the obligation of Hajj...
Performing The Prostration Of Gratitude Without Wudu
Answer: conditions for the prayer, so too is the case for the prostration of recitation and the prostration of gratitude. Therefore, without being pure or not..
Who Can Have A Proxy Hajj (Ḥajj-E-Badal) Performed On Their Behalf
Answer: conditions, it is compulsory (farḍ) for him to immediately perform Hajj in that year. The Messenger of Allah صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلّ..
Fixing a percentage on a loan?
Answer: conditions. However, if there is a house which fulfils the need, but there is a desire for a bigger house, or one wants to paint the house, add ..
Uttering, “I take an oath by Allah and His Messenger that I will not do this”
Answer: conditions for a recognised oath to be enacted. One of them is to mention the name of Allah, alongside whatever an oath is being taken upon, uninterru..
Can We Take a Vow for Anyone Other Than Allah Almighty?
Answer: conditions for the validity of such a vow, and if they are fulfilled, it will be compulsory (wājib) to carry out the vow. The meaning of a customa..