Displaying 151 to 155 out of 155 results
The Ruling Regarding Praying Funeral Prayer Whilst Wearing Shoes
Can The Khateeb Prohibit People From Coming Forward During The Sermon
Answer: ruling to repeat it because, in this context, it differs from Salah. The prohibition of individuals who cause harm by stepping over the necks of o..
A Permissible Way to Sell Things Just by Sharing Pictures
Answer: ruling regarding the remuneration of an agent who has made an agreement with the seller: ”اگر بائع کی طرف سے محنت وکوشش ودوادوش میں اپنا زمانہ صرف..
Ruling Regarding Selling A Kidney For Medical Treatment Of A Patient
Ruling Regarding Salah Offered on a Prayer Mat With Impurity Under It