Displaying 151 to 157 out of 157 results
A Permissible Way to Sell Things Just by Sharing Pictures
Answer: Shariat: ” دلال کی اُجرت یعنی دلالی بائع کے ذمہ ہے جب کہ اُس نے سامان مالک کی اجازت سے بیع کیا ہو۔“ Translation: The commission fee of a broke..
Ruling Regarding Giving Two For The Price Of One Item For Promotion
Answer: shariah perspective. There are two possible explanations for this contract to take place and each one of them will make this contract a permissible co..
Working as Accountant in An Insurance Company
Answer: ruling in this regard; it is not allowed for a Muslim to take up a job that involves assisting in sinful actions. The conventional insurance system in..
Ruling Regarding Selling A Kidney For Medical Treatment Of A Patient
Ruling On A Deal Between A Bread Maker And A Hotel
Ruling Regarding Salah Offered on a Prayer Mat With Impurity Under It
Giving Concession In Charges If Paid In Advance
Answer: Shariah perspective, it is permissible to have the charges reduced by giving an advance payment to the individuals who will do the embroidery, as the ..