Displaying 141 to 150 out of 172 results
The Ruling on eating something savoury or sweet at the start and end of a meal
How is it for children to go outside after Maghrib
Question: ruling on children going outside after Maghrib?..
An Important ruling regarding the funeral Salah
Going to the Masjid After Smoking a Cigarette
Question: ruling regarding a person who enters the masjid immediately after smoking a cigarette without removing its odour from the mouth?..
Rejoicing on the last Wednesday of Safar?
Question: ruling on doing so with this belief in mind?..
Forgetting to recite a Surah after Fatihah in Salah?
Question: ruling is that he must return and complete the recitation, what is the importance (of this returning), as in is it necessary and Wajib to return or no..
What is the ruling of taking benefit from a loan?
Ruling On Renting Out Goods For Weddings And Other Occasions
The Ruling On Taking Part In Boxing
The Ruling On The Sacrifice Wajib For A Person Having No Cash