Displaying 131 to 140 out of 175 results
The Ruling On Taking Part In Boxing
Removing a gold tooth from the mouth of the deceased
Answer: uld this be permissible? Rather, it is Fard (compulsory), by consensus, to conceal the body parts which have to be veiled obligatorily in front of oth..
Eating or Drinking at Suhoor until the Azan
Question: uling and thus continued eating suhoor in Ramadan until after the azan, will the fast of that day be valid? Also, will one have to make up (do qaḍā’) ..
Leaving the Place of Itikaf for Bathroom and Bathing For Women Due to Intense Heat
Answer: ulled. Mufti Amjad ꜤAlī al-AꜤẓamī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states, “Finā’-e-masjid is any area outside a masjid that is attached to it and is us..
Breastfeeding And Pregnant Women-Rulings Regarding Their Fasting
Can Dua change the fate?
Answer: ul-Ummal, vol. 1, pp. 28, part 2) (3) Mu`allaq Mahd[معلق محض]: Regarding this type, it is written on the scriptures of the angels as to which dua or..
Is It Necessary To Celebrate The Walimah On A Large Scale?
Answer: ul-Baari, vol. 9, p. 293) It is mentioned in Mirat-ul-Manajih: ‘We learn from this Hadees that holding a Walimah is Sunnah and it should be in ac..
If Jumu’ah and Eid fall on the same day, then…
Answer: ul-Fitr or Eid-ul-Adha fell on the day of Jumu’ah, it is said: The Messenger of Allah صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم came and stated: No doub..
Ruling Regarding Not Specifying Ratio Of Profit Sharing In A Partnership
Question: uld give him any amount from the profit as per my wish. Also, we did not discuss loss-sharing ratio. Is this sort of contract right from Shariah persp..
Considering the value of Rupee whilst paying Mahr
Question: uled on the following query? My wedding took place around 36 years ago and Mahr of Rs. 11,000 was agreed upon. I had not yet paid the Mahr; but now wh..