Displaying 111 to 120 out of 131 results
In which month should Zakah be given?
Answer: sin and not permissible. For example, if a person became Sahib-e-Nisaab on 5th of Shawwal-ul-Mukarram at 10am, and he is still Sahib-e-Nisab on the sa..
Is it necessary to keep Qada fasts or can Fidyah be paid instead
Answer: sin of missing fasts. Remember! Paying Fidyah is only permitted for Shaykh Faani (an extremely old person) not for everyone. Shaykh Faani is that p..
Going to the Masjid After Smoking a Cigarette
Answer: sin to enter the masjid without getting rid of the smell. However, such a person may enter the masjid if he gets rid of the smell before entering. وَ..
Fixing a percentage on a loan?
Question: sing finance scheme has been launched by a house building finance company to provide houses to people with a low and average income, in which a loan o..
Which month should we pay Zakah in Ramadan or in Rajab?
Answer: sin. For example, if a person becomes Sahib-e-Nisab at 10 a.m. on the 5th of Shawwal-ul-Mukarram and then he remains Sahib-e-Nisab on the same date, t..
Ruling Regarding Wearing A Diaper In the State of Ihram
Answer: Since it is worn on the body as diapers are usually worn, it will be in the same ruling of impermissible as the first type of diaper. So, wearing an o..
Can A Woman Recite Surah Kausar During Her Menses?
Answer: sin. This is because the wording of this Surah is in the first person (Mutakallim), which shows that the words of this Surah are specific to the Quran..
Is It Necessary to Recite Durood Later if Missed in a Gathering?
Answer: sin. Furthermore, if one doesn’t reply at all, he must make it up later and repent for not replying immediately. ‘Allama Ibn ‘Abideen Shami رحمه الله ..
Working as Accountant in An Insurance Company
Answer: sinful actions. The conventional insurance system includes multiple aspects forbidden in Islamic law, such as interest and gambling. As the basic resp..
The ruling of I’tikaf at praying area[not declared masjid]
Answer: Since the praying area is not a Masjid, hence, men cannot perform I’tikaf there. According to Ahnaaf, the only place other than the Masjid, which only..