Displaying 101 to 110 out of 208 results
Preparing Jewellery On Order Purchase
Question: yable when picking up the item. Is this type of deal correct?..
Ruling On Taking Payment For Bathing A Deceased Person
Answer: Muhammad Sarfraz Akhtar Attari Verified by:Mufti Fudayl Raza Attari Ref No: Mul 594 Date: 19th Jumada al-Ukhra 1444 AH/12th January 2023 ..
Can Witr Or Any Other Wajib Salah Be Offered At Fajr Time ?
Answer: yah al-Ṭaḥṭāwī: ويكره التنفل بعد طلوع الفجراي قصدا،۔۔۔ ومثل النافلة في هذا الحكم ما وجب بايجاب العبد ويقال له الواجب لغيره كالمنذور وركعتي الطواف وق..
Can Father Waive His Daughter's Meher? Or A Woman Voluntarily Waive Her Meher?
Answer: Muhammad Ali Asghar Attari Ref No: NOR-12073 Date: 21 ShaꜤbān 1443 AH – 25th March 2022 ..
Buying Something Online on the Condition You Will not Return it
Answer: yar e Ru’yah), Zayd has the choice to return the suit. This applies even if he accepted the terms of no return, as looking at an image of a thing is n..
The Ruling Regarding Wiping After Touching The Imamah, Headscarf Or Tap With Wet Hands
Answer: Muhammad Qasim Attari Ref No: PIN-7263 Date: 24th Muḥarram al-Ḥarām 1445 AH/12th August 2023 ..
Tears That Flow From An Infected Eye And Their Effect On Wudu
Answer: yat al-Mustamlī and al-Ikhtiyār etc.: کل مایخرج من علۃ من ای موضع کان کالاذن والثدی والسرۃ ونحوھا فانہ ناقض علی الاصح لانہ صدید In Fatāwā ꜤĀlam..
The Volume Of Voice In Glorifications Of Bowing And Prostration Of Salah
Answer: yah: Reciting with a low tone means the sound should be heard by the individual himself, even if he is unable to do so due to background noise or..
Long Distance Travel To Another City With The Intention Of a 15 Day Stay
Answer: yah: اذا فارق المسافر بیوت المصر،صلی رکعتین )لان الاقامۃ تتعلق بدخولھا فیتعلق السفر بالخروج عنھا Imam Aḥmad Razā Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَل..
Is it Muakkadah Sunnah to Rinse the Mouth and Nose Three Times in Wudu ?
Answer: yah: It is stated in al-Khulāṣah: ان توضا مرۃ مرۃ لعزۃ الماء اولعذر البرد اوالحاجۃ لا یکرہ وکذا ان فعلہ احیانا اما اذا اتخذذلک عادۃ یکرہ. اقول: ..