Displaying 101 to 110 out of 111 results
If Takbirs Of A Muqtadi Remain Outstanding During Eid Salah How Does He Complete His Salah?
Answer: Ali Aʿẓami رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه writes in Bahār-i-Sharīʿat: If muqtadi joined in the first unit (rak’at) after the takbir of the imam, he sh..
Buying And Selling Human Hair In Islam
Question: alities who offer to buy human hair. They purchase male and especially female hair with some part of its root, up to the rate of 8,000 Rs. per kilo. ..
Verbally Expressing Intention For Salah Is This Bidah An Innovation ?
Answer: Ali Qāriˈ رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه said: وهذه بدعة حسنة استحسنها المشائخ للتقوية أو لدفع الوسوسة وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَرَسُوْلُہ اَعْلَ..
Ruling Regarding Zakat On The Amount Of Money Saved For Hajj
Answer: Ali ʿAẓami رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه said: Someone has an amount of money which he is to spend on his basic necessities. He goes on to spend wha..
Can A Woman Recite Surah Kausar During Her Menses?
Mujeeb: Abu Muhammad, Mufti ‘Ali Asghar Attari
In The Month Of Ramadan Is It Better To Perform Witr Salah With Jamaat Or At Home With Tahajjud?
Answer: aliq regarding performing Witr Salah with Jama’at in the month of Ramadaan: ”قال الرملی: و فی شرح المنیۃ للعلامہ الحلبی : والصحیح ان ا لجماعۃ فیھا اف..
Is It Wajib To Provide The Wife With The Same Food As The Husband Consumes ?
Answer: ality. Beyond the aforementioned essentials, if the husband indulges in additional refreshments, Shari’ah does not obligate him to provide the sam..
What Shall the Newcomer Do if He Finds the Imam in Sajdah?
Answer: Ali A’zami رحمه الله states: امام کو رکوع یا پہلے سجدہ میں پایا، تو اگر غالب گمان ہے کہ ثنا پڑھ کر پالے گا ،تو پڑھے اور قعدہ یا دوسرے سجدہ میں پایا..
Ruling Regarding Salah Offered on a Prayer Mat With Impurity Under It
Question: aliza (major impurity) larger than the size of a Dirham under the prayer mat. However, the prayer mat was quite thick, so the effect of the impurity w..
Is It Necessary to Recite Durood Later if Missed in a Gathering?
Answer: alid Shara’i reason is a sin. Furthermore, if one doesn’t reply at all, he must make it up later and repent for not replying immediately. ‘Allama Ibn ..