Displaying 91 to 100 out of 111 results
Funeral Salah of an adult boy along with that of non-pubescent girl
Mujeeb: Mufti Abu Muhammad Ali Asghar Attari
Permissible way of having R.O. plant installed
Answer: ality that you make a claim of. For this purpose, either you yourself must have scientific expertise or you must hire any professionally skilled perso..
Is it allowed to see the face of the deceased after the funeral Salah?
Ruling on four Rak’aat of Salat-uz-Zuhr forgetfully led by Shari’ah-declared travelling Imam
Answer: alid and the last two Rak’aat will be Nafl. However, it is Wajib for the Shari’ah-declared travelling Imam to perform Sajdah-e- Sahw because of forget..
Considering the value of Rupee whilst paying Mahr
Answer: Ali A’zami رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه says: The very minimum amount of Mahr is 10 Dirhams[30.618 grams of silver], whether that be in coins or actual silv..
What should be done if blood flows from the deceased after the bathing (Ghusl) and shrouding (Takfeen)
Answer: Ali Asghar Attari ..
What to do if there is a dispute regarding the number of units (Rak’ahs) performed in prayer (Salah)
Question: alib (predominant thought) that all four units had been offered. In this case, must the prayer be repeated?..
Leading the funeral prayer (janaza) whilst in Iʿtikāf
Mujeeb: Mufti Abu Muhammad ‘Ali Asghar Attari Madani
The imam and followers shaking hands after salah
Answer: alice and increases their love and respect for each other. After salah, the scholars, pious people, and Muslims at large consider shaking hands t..
Uttering, “I take an oath by Allah and His Messenger that I will not do this”
Mujeeb: Mufti Abu Muhammad Ali Asghar Attari Madani