Displaying 1 to 10 out of 27 results
Clarification of the two cases in which Sawm(fast) becomes invalid
Question: Faizan-e-Ramadan’: If there is a morsel of food in somebody’s mouth at Sahari and the time of Sahari ends with the morsel still in his mouth or if som..
Offering Taraweeh while sitting
Question: Faizan-e-Ramadan,’ it is stated that, ‘Offering Taraweeh while sitting down, without a valid reason, is Makruh …’ Does this mean it is Makruh-e-Tanzee..
Can Women Have More Than One Ear Or Nose Piercing ?
Answer: Ramadan 1443 AH/14 April 2022 ..
Which month should we pay Zakah in Ramadan or in Rajab?
Question: Ramadan?..
In which month should Zakah be given?
Question: Ramadan? Questioner: Gulstan Anjum (Chakwal) ..
Is Prayer on the Last Friday of Ramadan Fulfilling Missing Prayers?
Question: Ramadan Expiation for Missing Prayers?..
Islamic Law Concerning Tawidhat Amulets And Recitals For Cure Damm
Answer: Ramadan 1443H/26th April 2022 ..
What Is The Ruling To Congratulate Ramadan Mubarak ?
Can Sadaqah Al-fitr be Given before Eid?
Answer: Ramadan. It is mentioned in Muḥīṭ Burhāni: یجوز تعجیلھا قبل یوم الفطر بیوم او یومین فی روایۃ الکرخی وعن ابی حنیفۃ لسنۃ او سنتین Mufti Amjad ʿAl..
The Islamic Ruling on Transgender Person
Answer: Faizan ‘Irfan Ahmad Madani Verified by: Mufti Muhammad Qasim ‘Attari Reference No: Sar-7961 Date: 11th ..