Darulifta Ahlesunnat
What do the noble scholars and the jurist of Islamic laws say regarding the
following matter:
Jama’at of Witr salaah is established in the month of Ramadaan, so is it better for the one performing Esha Salah
with Jamaat to perform witr salah with jama’at or at the time tahajjud?
Kindly guide us according to Islamic Laws.
بِسْمِ اللہِ
الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
اَلْجَوَابُ بِعَوْنِ الْمَلِکِ
الْوَھَّابِ اَللّٰھُمَّ ھِدَایَۃَ الْحَقِّ وَالصَّوَابِ
What is superior time to offer Witr
in Ramadan-ul-Mubarak? Is it superior to offer it
congregationally or at home? Concerning this, the verdict is based on this
opinion: It is superior to offer the Ramadan Witr
congregationally in a Masjid.
According to one of the opinion regarding performing witr
salaah in the blessed month of Ramadaan, one should
perform it alone at the time of Tahajjud. Some Hanafi
Jurist have declared that, it is better to perform witr
salah with Jama’at which is established at the
masjid. This is also proven from the practice of the Holy Prophet صلی
اللہ علیہ وسلم. Both the
opinions are preferred, so one may act upon either of the two. But normally the
muslims perform witr salah
with jama’at at the masjid and it is better to act
upon this practice.
It is stated in Durr e
mukhtar and Raddul muhtar
regarding performing witr salah with jama’at in Ramadaan:
”(فی وتر رمضان مستحبۃ
علی قول )و غیر مستحبۃ علی
قول آخر بل یصلیھا وحدہ فی بیتہ و ھما قولان مصححان“
[Durr e mukhtar/Raddul muhtar,
V-2, P.342, Quetta]
It is stated in Noorul Idaah with Maraqi al Falah:
”(صلاتہ مع الجماعۃ
فی رمضان افضل من ادائہ منفردا آخر اللیل فی اختیار قاضیخان
قال ھو الصحیح)لانہ لما جازت الجماعۃ کانت افضل و لان عمر رضی اللہ
عنہ کان یومھم فی الوتر۔۔۔۔فی ’’الفتح‘‘ و” البرھان“ ما یفیدان قول قاضیخان
ارجح لانہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اوتر بھم فیہ“
[Noorul Idaah
with Maraqi al Falah, P.199, Makatabatul
Madina, Karachi]
It is mentioned in Ghunyah Dhawil Ahkaam:
”ذکر الکمال ما یرجح کلام
قاضی خان فینبغی اتباعہ“
[ghunyah dhawil ahkaam, V-1, P.120,
Allama Shami رحمۃ
اللہ علیہ states in
Minhat ul Khaliq regarding performing Witr Salah with Jama’at in the
month of Ramadaan:
”قال الرملی: و فی شرح
المنیۃ للعلامہ الحلبی : والصحیح ان ا لجماعۃ فیھا
افضل ۔۔۔و ھذا الذی علیہ عامۃ الناس الیوم“
[Minhat ul
Khaliq with A Bahr al Raaiq, V-2, P.123, Queta]
Imam e Ahle Sunnat Imam
Ahmed Raza Khan رحمۃ اللہ علیہ states in Fatawa Razawiyya:
Our Noble Scholars have difference of opinion regarding witr
Salah in the month of Ramadaan, whether it should be
performed with Jama’at in the masjid or individually
at home. Both opinions are strong and both are prioritised and considered
correct. The first opinion has the advantage, that now the common people are
practicing it and it is also supported by a Hadith. In Conclusion, whatever is most
appropriate considering the time, Condition and the people with regard to
acting upon this ruling, should be practised.
[Fatawa Razawiyya, V-7, P.398 & 399, Raza Foundation, Lahore]
Imam e Ahle sunnat
has further stated in reply to a question in another place: Whether performer
of salah is punctual of tahajjud or not, it is not
necessary for either of them. There is Difference of opinion regarding
superiority. According to our Main Mazhab, it is
better to perform it individually at home and according to another opinion, it
is better to perform it with Jama’at at the Masjid.
Nowadays this is the practice of the Muslims. Anyway, it is not necessary
according to anyone.
[Fatawa Razawiyya, V-7, P.400, Raza Foundation, Lahore]
It is stated in Bahar e Shari’at: It is better to perform witr
salah with jama’at in the month of Ramadaan.
[Bahar e shari’at,
V-1, Part-4, P.692, Maktabatul Madina, Karachi]
اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَرَسُوْلُہ اَعْلَم صَلَّی
اللّٰہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّم
Answered By: Mufti Abu Muhammad,
Ali Asghar Attari
Ref No: Gul -2206
Date: 14 Ramadan ul Mubarak 1442/27th April, 2021
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