Ruling On Manufacturing, Selling And Advertising A Cross Locket

Ruling On Manufacturing, Selling And Advertising A Cross Locket

Darulifta Ahlesunnat



   What do the noble scholars say regarding the following matter: A Muslim lady is an agent for a jewellery shop and her role is to advertise its products. A brochure was sent to her which also contained a cross locket. She advertised this to two Christian ladies. Please guide us on the ruling relating to this Muslim lady.

بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ

اَلْجَوَابُ بِعَوْنِ الْمَلِکِ الْوَھَّابِ اَللّٰھُمَّ ھِدَایَۃَ الْحَقِّ وَالصَّوَابِ

   Three matters will be discussed in this answer:

1. The Islamic viewpoint concerning the cross.

2. Manufacturing and selling gold or silver cross lockets.

3. The ruling concerning advertising such a locket

1) The Islamic viewpoint concerning the cross

   Christians believe that Sayyidunā Isā عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام was crucified and that the wooden structure upon which he was crucified was in the shape of a cross. Following on from this, they began to hang the cross around their necks in his memory, revered it and displayed it in their churches, homes, upon flags and anything they deemed respectable. In short, this is a symbol of Christianity and its distinct sign.

   In opposition to this, the belief of Muslims is that Sayyidunā Isā عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام was neither killed nor crucified, rather Allah Almighty protected him from the murderous plot of the Jews and raised him up to the sky. Allah Almighty cast his semblance upon the face of another person. The Jews crucified that person thinking him to be Sayyidunā Isā عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام and claimed they had martyred him. The Christians accepted this claim of the Jews as the truth. However, Allah Almighty repudiated the claim of the Jews and the Christians in the noble Quran clearly explaining that he was neither killed nor crucified, but rather raised alive into the sky. Therefore, the fact that Sayyidunā Isā عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام was not crucified is an absolutely definite tenet of faith for Muslims and from Zaruriat e Deen (the necessarily known matters of Islam); its denial is disbelief.

   Wearing the cross in remembrance of the claim that Sayyidunā Isā عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام was crucified, definitely opposes the statement of Allah Almighty. When it is clear that the cross is the religious symbol of Christianity, then wearing it out of one’s own volition and desire is disbelief.

   Regarding Sayyidunā Isā عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام not being crucified, Allah Almighty states:

وَّ قَوۡلِہِمۡ اِنَّا قَتَلۡنَا الۡمَسِیۡحَ عِیۡسَی ابۡنَ مَرۡیَمَ رَسُوۡلَ اللّٰہِ ۚ وَ مَا قَتَلُوۡہُ وَ مَا صَلَبُوۡہُ وَ لٰکِنۡ شُبِّہَ لَہُمۡ ؕ وَ  اِنَّ الَّذِیۡنَ اخۡتَلَفُوۡا فِیۡہِ لَفِیۡ شَکٍّ مِّنۡہُ ؕ مَا لَہُمۡ بِہٖ مِنۡ عِلۡمٍ  اِلَّا اتِّبَاعَ الظَّنِّ ۚ وَ مَا قَتَلُوۡہُ  یَقِیۡنًۢا ﴿۱۵۷﴾ۙ

بَلۡ رَّفَعَہُ اللّٰہُ اِلَیۡہِ ؕ وَ کَانَ اللّٰہُ عَزِیۡزًا حَکِیۡمًا ﴿۱۵۸﴾

   (157). And because of their stating this; that 'We have martyred the Messiah Isā; the son of Maryam; the Messenger of Allah,' and it is (the truth) that neither did they kill him nor crucify him but for them a look-alike was created (his face resembling the face of Isā). And those who disagree regarding him (i.e. the look-alike) are definitely in doubt over him; they know nothing of him, but are merely following this very assumption, and without doubt, they did not kill him. (158). Rather, Allah raised him towards Himself, and Allah is Overpowering, All-Wise.[1]

   Regarding the belief in Sayyidunā Isā عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام being raised alive into the sky, the son of the Reviver of Islam, the Imām of Ahl al-Sunnah, Imām Amad Razā Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه, Mufti āmid Razā Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states:

   First matter: The fact that he [i.e., Sayyidunā Isā عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام] was neither killed nor crucified, rather his Lord Almighty protected him from the malevolent Jews, raised him safe and sound into the sky and cast his semblance upon another person, so the cursed Jews in their delusion crucified that person, is a definitive tenet of faith of us Muslims. It is from the first category of matters i.e., necessarily known matters, whose denier is certainly a disbeliever. Its definitive evidence is the statement of Allah Almighty.[2]

   Concerning the adoption of the symbols of the disbelievers through one’s own choice and desire, the Reviver of Islam, the Imām of Ahl al-Sunnah, Imām Amad Razā Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states:

   Adopting a symbol of the disbelievers, heretics or transgressors, through one’s own desire, without a need that is deemed correct according to Islamic law, is forbidden and a sin.[3]

   The cross is a symbol of the disbelievers. In Tabyīn al-Haqāˈiq it is stated:[4]

زي الكفرة نحو الصليب

   Symbol of disbelievers like hanging the cross (on one’s neck). In Jāmi al-Fuūlayn it is mentioned:[5]

شد زنارا على وسطه أو وضع صليباً على كتفه كفر

   “Whoever wears a Zunnar( a type of necklace) around his neck or puts a cross on his shoulder, he has become a disbeliever.”

   Regarding the adoption of the symbols of the disbelievers and the cross, the Reviver of Islam, the Imām of Ahl al-Sunnah, Imām Amad Razā Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states:[6]

   Marking on the forehead or placing a cross on one’s back is disbelief.

وفی منح الروض، لووضع الغل علی کتفہ فقد کفر اذا لم یکن مکرھا، وفیہ عن الملتقط، اخذ الغل جادا او ھازلا، یکفر الا اذا فعل خدیعۃ فی الحرب۔ اقول:  وھذا شیئ لایعرف فی دیارنا ولفظ جامع الفصولین وضع صلیبا علی کتفہ کفر، وھذا واضح فلعل مافی المنح تصحیف۔ واللہ تعالی اعلم

2) Manufacturing and selling gold or silver cross lockets

   Wearing a cross is a religious symbol of the Christians and a sign of their false beliefs. A primary principle of Islamic law is that everything which is specific in leading towards a forbidden act or whose main purpose is the attainment of a sin, its manufacture and trade is forbidden and a sin as it is cooperation in sin, and aiding in sin has been forbidden in the noble Quran. Subsequently, it is forbidden for jewellers to manufacture and sell cross lockets as this is aiding them in their acts of disbelief and it is impermissible to assist in the means for disbelief.

   In fact, the jurists have explicitly mentioned that it is impermissible to sell an item which can be used for sin to a person who it is known that he will perpetrate a sin with it. This is because this will be assistance in sin. In particular, the scholars explicitly mentioned regarding gold and silver cross necklaces found amongst the spoils of war, that they should be broken. In this state, if they are to be sold to a Muslim and it is probable that he will then sell them on to Christians, it will not be permissible to sell them to him either.

   Regarding the prohibition of co-operating in sin, Allah Almighty states:

وَ لَا تَعَاوَنُوۡا عَلَی الۡاِثۡمِ وَ الۡعُدۡوَانِ ۪

   And do not help one another in sin and injustice[7]

   Imam Abū Bakr al-Jaṣṣā رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه writes under this verse:[8]

﴿وَ لَا تَعَاوَنُوْا عَلَى الْاِثْمِ وَ الْعُدْوَانِ﴾نهي عن معاونة غيرنا على معاصی اللہ تعالى

   Translation: In the noble verse, it is forbidden to help others in actions of disobedience to Allah.

   Regarding selling that object with which a sin is established directly, Allāmah Alāˈ al-Dīn al-akafī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states:[9]

قلت: وأفاد كلامهم أن ما قامت المعصية بعينه يكره بيعه تحريما

   Explaining the reason for the prohibition of selling such a thing, Allāmah Ibn Nujaym رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states in al-Bar al-Rā'iq:[10]

وظاهر كلامهم في الأول أن الكراهة تحريمية لتعليلهم بالإعانة على المعصية

   In Jadd al-Mumtār alā Radd al-Mutār the following is stated about selling that object whose main purpose is the attainment of a sin:[11]

ما کان مقصودہ الاعظم تحصیل معصیۃ معاذ اللہ تعالی کان شراؤہ دلیلا واضحا علی ذلک القصد فیکون بیعہ اعانۃ علی المعصیۃ

   In this regard, the Reviver of Islam, the Imām of Ahl al-Sunnah, Imām Amad Razā Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه also states:

   This is a general principle that should be remembered as it will benefit in many places. That object whose manufacture is forbidden, its purchase and usage will also be prohibited and vice versa.[12]

   Concerning the prohibition of manufacturing and selling objects that assist in sinning, it is stated in al-Durr al-Mukhtār:[13]

فاذا ثبت کراھۃ لبسھا للتختم ثبت کراھۃ بیعھا وصیغھا لما فیہ من الاعانۃ علی ما لایجوز، و کل ماأدی الی ما لا یجوز لا یجوز

   It is prohibited to sell an object that can be used in sinning to a person whom it is known about that he will use it to perpetrate a sin. It is mentioned in al-Durr al-Mukhtār:[14]

ويكره تحريما بيع السلاح من أهل الفتنة إن علم لأنه إعانة على المعصية

   It is also forbidden to sell gold and silver cross lockets to such a person that will sell them on to Christians. Thus, it is written in al-Fatāwā al-Hindiyyah:[15]

وإن وجدوا فی الغنيمة قلائد ذهب أو فضة فيها الصليب والتماثيل، فإنه يستحب كسرها قبل القسمة، وإن أراد بيعها من رجل إن كان الذي يريد شراءها موثوقا به لا يخاف عليه بيعها من المشركين، فإنه لا بأس بالبيع منه وإن كان غير موثوق به، ويخاف عليه بيعها من المشركين، فإنه يكره بيعها منه

   In al-Mawsūah al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kuwaitiyyah it is stated regarding making and selling crosses:[16]

لا يصح لمسلم بيع الصليب شرعا، ولا الإجارة على عمله۔۔۔وذلك بموجب القاعدة الشرعية العامة في حظر بيع المحرمات، إجارتها، والاستئجار على عملها

3) Ruling upon advertising such a locket

   When it has become clear that manufacturing and selling gold and silver cross lockets is a sin, then advertising such a product is also forbidden and a sin. It is the spreading of wickedness and due to advertising it, an impermissible act (its sale and purchase) will be carried out and this is also aiding in sin.

   Therefore, the answer to the scenario asked about is that the Muslim woman who is an agent for the jewellery shop committed a sin. Therefore, she should repent from this and in future never advertise such a product whose trade has been forbidden for any reason by Islamic law. If the jewellery shop binds her to advertise such products, then Islamic law does not permit such employment where one will perpetrate sins.

   It should also be remembered that selling such a locket and advertising it is aiding in acts of kufr and assisting in such acts for one’s worldly benefits is impermissible and a sin, rather if someone assists in it deeming the act of kufr to be good, it is disbelief.

   It is not correct according to Islamic law to propagate and encourage a forbidden act. Allah Almighty states:

اِنَّ الَّذِیۡنَ یُحِبُّوۡنَ اَنۡ تَشِیۡعَ الۡفَاحِشَۃُ فِی الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا لَہُمۡ عَذَابٌ اَلِیۡمٌ ۙ فِی الدُّنۡیَا وَ الۡاٰخِرَۃِ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ  یَعۡلَمُ  وَ  اَنۡتُمۡ  لَا  تَعۡلَمُوۡنَ ﴿۱۹﴾

   Indeed, those who wish that scandal should spread amongst the Muslims, for them is a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And Allah knows, and you know not.[17]

 Below this verse in Tafsīr irā al-Jinān it is stated:

   Propagation means to spread it and make it apparent. However, it should be remembered that the original meaning ofاشاعتِ فاحشہ  (spreading indecency) is very broad. Some of the matters that fall inside this include:

   1. Spreading a false accusation 2. Spreading a hidden flaw in a person after becoming aware of it 3. Spreading a mistake that occurs from Sunni scholars. 4. Encouraging impermissible acts.

   With regards to employment that includes impermissible acts, the Reviver of Islam, the Imām of Ahl al-Sunnah, Imām Amad Razā Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states:

   Employment is of two types. One in which one has to perform that which is impermissible itself. Such employment is impermissible in and of itself, even if the wages for it are given from permissible wealth. That lawful wealth will also be impermissible for him and if the wealth is unlawful then this will be sin upon sin.[18]

   In al-Fatāwā al-Razawiyyah[19] it is mentioned concerning employment involving sinful acts:

   If the employment involves forbidden acts, it will be impermissible. Allah Almighty states:

وَ لَا تَعَاوَنُوۡا عَلَی الۡاِثۡمِ وَ الۡعُدۡوَانِ ۪

   And do not help one another in sin and injustice[20]

   In relation to assisting in the blasphemous practices of non-Muslims for worldly benefits, the Reviver of Islam, the Imām of Ahl al-Sunnah, Imām Amad Razā Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states:

   Assisting in practices of disbelief and participation in them is forbidden, sinful and opposition to the divine command. Allah Almighty states:

وَ لَا تَعَاوَنُوۡا عَلَی الۡاِثۡمِ وَ الۡعُدۡوَانِ ۪

   And do not help one another in sin and injustice[21]

   It is stated in the noble Hadith: من سود مع قوم فھو منھم وفی لفظ من کثر سواد قوم فھو منھم “Whoever participates with a group of people, increasing their numbers, he is from them.” If this is only due to the lower self and its avarice for the world then this is deserving of the Hellfire, but if it is out of preference and acceptance, then it is sheer disbelief.[22]

   If a person celebrates the festivals of the disbelievers deeming them to be good, that is disbelief, otherwise it is transgression and a sin. Thus, the Reviver of Islam, the Imām of Ahl al-Sunnah, Imām Amad Razā Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states:

   If a person celebrates the festivals of the disbelievers deeming them to be good, he will exit Islam. Otherwise, it is certainly transgression and sin.[23]

وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَرَسُوْلُہ اَعْلَم صَلَّی اللّٰہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّم

Answered By: Mufti Muhammad Qasim Attari

Ref No: SAR-7949

Date: 27 Dhū al-ijjah 1443 AH/27th July 2022

[1] Al-Quran, 4:157-158, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[2] Fatāwā al- āmidiyyah, p. 140, published in Lahore

[3] Fatāwā al-Razawiyyah, vol. 24, p. 535, Raza Foundation, Lahore

[4] Tabyīn al-Haqāˈiq, vol. 3, p. 300, published in Cairo

[5] Jāmi al-Fuūlayn, vol. 2, p. 229, published in Karachi

[6] Fatāwā al-Razawiyyah, vol. 24, pp. 549,550, Raza Foundation, Lahore

[7] Al-Quran, 5:2, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[8] Ahkam-e-Quran, vol. 2, p. 429, published in Karachi

[9] Al-Durr al-Mukhtār, vol. 6, p. 409, published in Quetta

[10] Bar al-Rā'iq, vol. 5, p. 240, published in Quetta

[11] Jadd al-Mumtār, vol. 7, p. 76, Maktab al-Madina, Karachi

[12] Fatāwā al-Razawiyyah, vol. 23, p. 464 , Raza Foundation, Lahore

[13] Al-Durr al-Mukhtār, vol. 9, p. 595, published in Quetta

[14] Al-Durr al-Mukhtār, vol. 6, p. 408, published in Quetta

[15] Fatāwā ʿĀlamgīri, vol. 2, p. 215, published in Quetta

[16] Musawa Fiqhiyah Kuwait, vol. 12, p. 91, published in Egypt


[17] Al-Quran, 24:19, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[18] Fatāwā al-Razawiyyah, vol. 19, p. 515, Raza Foundation, Lahore

[19] Fatāwā al-Razawiyyah, vol. 19, p. 522, Raza Foundation, Lahore

[20] Al-Quran, 5:2, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[21] Al-Quran, 5:2, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[22] Fatāwā al-Razawiyyah, vol. 21, p. 186, Raza Foundation, Lahore

[23] Fatāwā al-Razawiyyah, vol. 21, p. 188, Raza Foundation, Lahore