Leaving the Place of Itikaf for Bathroom and Bathing For Women Due to Intense Heat

Leaving the Place of Itikaf for Bathroom and Bathing For Women Due to Intense Heat

Darulifta Ahlesunnat



   What do the honourable scholars of Islam say regarding the following: can a woman leave her place of itikāf  (spiritual retreat) to go to the bathroom and bathe due to intense heat?

بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ

اَلْجَوَابُ بِعَوْنِ الْمَلِکِ الْوَھَّابِ اَللّٰھُمَّ ھِدَایَۃَ الْحَقِّ وَالصَّوَابِ

   The original part of a masjid is the area that has been specified for salah and is religiously endowed (made waqf). Adjoined to this original part is the area which is also religiously endowed for necessities and the benefit of the masjid; this is known as finā’-e-masjid. A man can enter the bathing area built in finā’-e-masjid to bathe during itikāf, even when it is not necessary.Entering finā’-e-masjid will not invalidate his itikāf.

   A woman, on the other hand, observes itikāf in a specific area in her home referred to as masjid al-bayt.  There is no concept of a masjid al-bayt having finā’ (an appendage). Therefore, a woman may not leave the masjid al-bayt without necessity. In the scenario presented in the question, if a woman leaves the masjid al-bayt other than to perform the obligatory (far) ghusl, such as to bathe in the heat to cool down, her itikāf  will be annulled.

   Mufti Amjad Alī al-Aamī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states, “Finā-e-masjid is any area outside a masjid that is attached to it and is used for its necessities, such as a shoe area and a bathing area. Entering these areas does not invalidate the spiritual retreat.”

   Further on, he states, “In this regard, the finā’-e-masjid carries the same ruling as a masjid.”[1]

   Imām Amad Razā Khān رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states:

   Entering madrasas attached to the masjid that are within the masjid’s boundaries, have no path separating them from the masjid, and only have a wall marking the division between the courtyards, will not be considered as walking outside the masjid. An individual observing the spiritual retreat (mutakif) can enter such areas because it is as though they are a part of the masjid.

وھذا ما قال الامام الطحاوی انّ حجرۃ امّ المؤمنین من المسجد، فی ردّ المحتار عن البدائع لو صعد ای: المعتکف المنارۃ لم یفسد بلاخلاف لانّھا منہ لانّہ یمنع فیھا من کلّ مایمنع فیہ من البول ونحوہ فاشبہ زاویۃ من زوایا المسجد

   Translation: Imam al-aāwī said the same thing, that the room of the Mother of believers رَضِیَ اللهُ عَنْهَا is a part of the masjid. It is stated in Radd al-Mutār with reference to Badāˈi al-anāˈi: “If a mutakif climbs a minaret, it is unanimously agreed upon that his itikāf  will not be invalidated as a minaret is a part of the masjid. The evidence for this is that everything which is prohibited in a masjid is also prohibited in a minaret, such as urinating. Hence, it is like a corner from the corners of the masjid.[2]

   Allāmah Alā al-Dīn al-akafī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states:

( الخروج الّا لحاجة الانسان ) طبيعيّة كبول وغائط وغسل لو احتلم ولا يمكنه الاغتسال في المسجد كذا في النهر[3]

   Mufti Amjad Alī al-Aamī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states:

   For mutakif , there are two excuses to leave the masjid. One is a natural need which cannot be fulfilled in the masjid, such as the need to defecate; urinate; clean oneself after the former two; perform wudu; and ghusl, if needed. However, the condition for [allowing one to leave for] wudu and ghusl is that one is unable to do them in the masjid. In other words, [permission is only granted] if there is no such thing in the masjid wherein one can gather the water for wudu or ghusl so that not even a single drop of water falls in the masjid, as it is impermissible to drop the water of ablution or ghusl in the masjid. However, if there is a basin etc. available and one is able to perform wudu in it in such a manner that a single drop does not spill into the masjid, then in this case, it is impermissible for one to leave the masjid. If one leaves, the itikāf will be invalidated.

   Similarly, if there is a place made in the masjid for wudu or ghusl, or if there is a fountain present there, one will not be permitted to leave the masjid.

   The second excuse is a sharī need, such as leaving to attend Eid or Jumuah, or going onto the minaret to call out the azan if accessing the minaret entails going outside. If one can access the minaret from inside the masjid, then even someone other than muazzin (the one calling the azan) is permitted to go onto the minaret; permission will not be restricted to the muazzin in this case.[4]

وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَرَسُوْلُہ اَعْلَم صَلَّی اللّٰہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّم

Written by: Mufti Fuzayl Razā Aṭṭārī

[1] Al-Fatāwā Amjadiyyah, Kitāb al-awm, vol. 1, p. 399, Maktaba Razawiyyah, Karachi

[2] Al-Fatāwā al-Razawiyyah, Bāb al-Witr Wa al-Nawafil, vol. 7, p. 453, Raza Foundation, Lahore

[3] Al-Durr al-Mukhtār, Kitāb al-awm, Bāb al- iꜤtikāf, vol. 3, p. 501, Published in Quetta

[4] Bahār-i-Sharīʿat, part 5, vol. 1, pp. 1023, 1024, Maktaba tul Madina, Karachi.