Darulifta Ahlesunnat
What do the
scholars of Islam say regarding the following matter: can ṣadaqah al-fiṭr be paid before Eid?
بِسْمِ اللہِ
الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
اَلْجَوَابُ بِعَوْنِ الْمَلِکِ
الْوَھَّابِ اَللّٰھُمَّ ھِدَایَۃَ الْحَقِّ وَالصَّوَابِ
Ṣadaqah al-fiṭr can be paid before Eid and even before Ramadan.
It is mentioned in Muḥīṭ Burhāni:
یجوز تعجیلھا
قبل یوم الفطر بیوم او یومین فی روایۃ
الکرخی وعن ابی حنیفۃ لسنۃ او سنتین[1]
Mufti Amjad ʿAli Aʿẓami
رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه writes:
forward (the payment of) fiṭrah is unrestrictedly
permissible, as long as the person one is paying on behalf of is present. This
remains the case if one gives before Ramadan. If he was not the owner of niṣāb at the time of paying and then becomes so
later on, fiṭrah is valid. It is better
if one gives this after ṣubḥ ṣādiq on Eid day, before
going to prayer area. [2]
اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَرَسُوْلُہ اَعْلَم صَلَّی
اللّٰہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّم
Answered By: Abu
Huzayfah Muhammad Shafiq Attari
Verified by: Mufti Muhammad Qasim Attari
Reference number: Aqs-1598
Date: 10 Ramadan 1440AH/16 May 2019 CE
[1] Muḥīṭ Burhāni, vol. 2, p.
589, (Published in Quetta)
[2] Bahār-i-Sharīʿat, vol. 1, pp. 939,940, (Published by Maktaba tul Madina)
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