Darulifta Ahlesunnat
What do the scholars of Islam say regarding the following matter: Zayd saw
a suit on the website of a major clothes brand and then purchased it. The suit
was delivered to his home the next day. He liked the suit when he saw it
online, but when he saw it in person, it no longer appealed to him.
It is clearly written on the store’s website that once the clothing has been
delivered, it can only be returned in the event of a
defect. The suit cannot be returned after its delivery due to being disliked by
someone. Therefore, view all images carefully from all angles.
It is only after accepting these terms that the transaction is complete. In
this case, according to Sharia, will Zayd have a choice to return the suit?
Additionally, he phoned the store for more information. The selected suit
was available in the store; therefore, the order for delivery was given. Also,
when returning the suit, who will pay for the delivery costs; Zayd or the
بِسْمِ اللہِ
الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
اَلْجَوَابُ بِعَوْنِ الْمَلِکِ
الْوَھَّابِ اَللّٰھُمَّ ھِدَایَۃَ الْحَقِّ وَالصَّوَابِ
In the scenario mentioned above, due to possessing the option of inspection(Khiyar e Ru’yah), Zayd has the choice to
return the suit. This applies even if he accepted the terms of no return, as
looking at an image of a thing is not the
same as viewing the thing itself. As he did not see the suit in person, and
after he saw it, he disliked it; according to the Sharia, he can return it.
It is mentioned in a Hadith:
من اشتری شیئاً لم یرہ فھو بالخیار
اذا راہ ، ان شاء اخذہ و ان شاء ترکہ
Translation:Whosoever purchased something that he did not see, then he has a choice once he
sees it. if he wishes he may buy it, and if he wishes he may leave it.[1]
It is written in al-Durr al-Mukhtār:
او رؤیۃ دھن فی زجاج لوجود
In reference to this, Radd al-Muḥtār mentions:
قولہ:(لوجود الحائل) فھو لم یر الدھن حقیقۃ
۔ و فی التحفۃ : لو نظر فی المرآۃ فرای المبیع
، قالوا: لا یسقط خیارہ ، لانہ ما رای عینہ بل مثالہ‘[2]
In Al-Hindiyyah it is stated:
و لو رای
ما اشتراہ من وراء زجاجۃ او فی مرآۃ او کان المبیع علی
شفا حوض فنظرہ فی الماء فلیس ذلک برؤیۃ و ھو علی خیارہ
کذا فی السراج الوھاج
The seller’s condition of no return prior to the buyer’s direct viewing
of the item is invalid(Batil), even if the
buyer accepts this. This is because the option of inspection cannot be
fulfilled prior to seeing the item, and the condition to drop this option of
inspection prior to its establishment is invalid itself.
The seller’s stipulation of the condition of no return prior to the
buyers viewing, and the buyers’ acceptance of this condition, is invalid and
When the buyer sees the suit, he will have the option of inspection. After viewing, he can he either go ahead with the
transaction or annul it.
It is written in Al-Hidāyah:
قال رضيت ثم رآه له أن يرده )لأن الخيار معلق بالرؤية لما روينا فلا يثبت
Fatḥ al-Qadīr says the following regarding
کذا اذا قال رضیت) الی اخرہ و کذا لہ الخیار اذا رآہ یعنی
اذا قال رضیت کائناً ما کان قبل الرؤیۃ ثم راہ لہ ان یرد
لان ثبوت الخیار معلق فی النص بالرؤیۃ حیث قال فھو
بالخیار اذا رآہ و المعلق بالشرط عدم قبل وجودہ و الاسقاط لا یتحقق
قبل الثبوت[3]
ꜤAllāmah Ibn ꜤĀbidīn
al-Shāmī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه makes the following comment on Imam Ibn al-Humām’s رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه statement:
ای: اذا کان الخیار معلقاً بالرؤیۃ
کان عدماً قبلھا فلا یصح اسقاطہ بالرضا[4]
It is mentioned in Al-ꜤInāyah:
تفريع على مسألة القدوري: يعني كما أن له الخيار
إذا لم يقل رضيت فكذا إذا قال ذلك ولم يره ثم رآه، لأن الخيار معلق بالرؤية
بالحديث الذي رويناه والمعلق بالشيء لا يثبت قبله لئلا يلزم وجود المشروط بدون
الشرط، ولأنه لو لزم العقد بالرضا قبل الرؤية لزم امتناع الخيار عندها، وهو ثابت
بالنص عندها فما أدى إلى إبطاله فهو باطل[5]
In is stated in Bahār-i-SharīꜤat:
If the buyer expresses his acceptance before viewing, or declares that he
has annulled his choice, he still has the right to rescind after seeing the
item. This choice can only be attained at the time of viewing; there was no
such choice prior to viewing. Therefore, declaring it to be void holds no
The cost of returning the suit will be covered by Zayd, whether he sends
it back via a courier or other means.
It is written in Al-Hindiyyah:
و مؤنۃ رد المبیع بعیب او بخیار
شرط او رؤیۃ علی المشتری[7]
وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَرَسُوْلُہ
اَعْلَم صَلَّی اللّٰہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ
وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّم
Answered By: Abu Saeed Muhammad Naveed Raza Attari
Verified by: Mufti Fuzayl Raza Attari
Ref No: HAR-5778
Date: 4th Ṣafar al-Muẓaffar 1445 AH/22nd August 2023
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